Been sort of left with the feeling that some of the other artists just haven't dedicated enough time and commitment to their pieces and they have instead output some rather rushed if not half hearted efforts that surely they wouldn't want to act as a representation of their worth as an artist. What are your thoughts.?
Having said that I do by now have a considerable print collection upstairs in the vault (only kidding) - it's the big cupboard in the office where we keep all the photography equipment and portfolios.
Apologies for the images being so small. It was all that was available.

The only link for these artists was Nate Bench's website.
Candace Nicol's website is within the previous post
I agree with your statement about being disappointed with the Oregon Ink Spot exchange prints. I participated in this for the first time this year and frankly was appalled with the 13 prints I received. Aesthetically uninspired and technically poor in execution. I figured I would try again with the Print Zero exchange to see if the exchange was any better. Otherwise, I may just decide that exchanges just aren't work the effort. I posted the prints I received back on the Inkteraction site under HARDPRESSED if you want to check them out.